Daily , Monthly and Yearly measurement of all your XERO figures in the palm of your hands.
Figero converts your Xero data into beautiful graphs and tables that makes sense from a business perspective.

Get your figures NOW

Your company finances right in your pocket

Know everything you need to know

Get your data NOW

The Power of Knowing

Instantly compare your revenue between branches and know where they stand

Get figero NOW
Try Xero For Free

Full Xero Integration

You will have up to date Xero data of all your branches you added to the application.
For a detailed Xero integration description please visit the following page.

Big Picture with Figero

Key Benefits of Figero + Xero

Signup, add and manage your branches from our web portal.

Your data will be up-to-date on daily basis from Xero.

View your daily , monthly or yearly data in table format

Compare branch(es) performance on daily basis

Use web and/or mobile to view your data , available anywhere

Mobile and Web based application

You can download the mobile application from either of the stores below or login via the web portal at

Advanced Features

Please look at the features video below for more advanced Figero features.

About Xero

Xero is world-leading online accounting software built for small business.

  • Get a real-time view of your cashflow. Log in anytime, anywhere on your Mac, PC, tablet or phone to get a real-time view of your cash flow. It’s small business accounting software that’s simple, smart and occasionally magical.
  • Run your business on the go. Use our mobile app to reconcile, send invoices, or create expense claims - from anywhere.
  • Get paid faster with online invoicing. Send online invoices to your customers - and get updated when they’re opened.
  • Reconcile in seconds. Xero imports and categorises your latest bank transactions. Just click ok to reconcile.

Try Xero for free.

Get in touch with us today.

We are available world wide with our Head office in Cape Town

Get it now